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Pacific Oaks College    
2020-2021 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook 
  Jul 27, 2024
2020-2021 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions


Early Childhood Education

   •  ECE 510 - Understanding Assessment and Research in Early Childhood Education
   •  ECE 520 - Balancing Ethical and Moral Considerations in Leadership in Early Childhood Education
   •  ECE 530 - Public Policy and its Impact on Children and Families
   •  ECE 540 - Creating Responsive Communities for All Families
   •  ECE 600 - The Impact of Privilege and Oppression in Early Childhood Educational Settings
   •  ECE 643 - Special Topics in Leadership in Early Childhood Education
   •  ECE 644 - Special Topics in Leadership in Early Childhood Education
   •  ECE 645 - Special Topics in Leadership in Early Childhood Education
   •  ECE 650 - Management of Childcare Programs
   •  ECE 651 - Family Violence and Child Abuse
   •  ECE 652 - Separation, Deployment Trauma and Early Development
   •  ECE 653 - Death, Divorce, and Difficult Times
   •  ECE 654 - Trauma, Culture, and Immigration
   •  ECE 655 - Parent Incarceration and Its Impact
   •  ECE 656 - Trauma and Early Development
   •  ECE 660 - Action Research Project


   •  ED 305 - Social, Political, and Economic Foundations of Education
   •  ED 312 - The Art of Teaching Science
   •  ED 330 - Language and Literacy in A Diverse Classroom
   •  ED 331 - English Learner Methodologies in a Diverse Classroom
   •  ED 348 - Cognitive Development and Mathematics
   •  ED 355 - Utilizing and Infusing Technology Into Teaching
   •  ED 362 - Teaching Thematically: Social Science and Visual/Performing Arts
   •  ED 372 - Healthy Children and Classroom Communities
   •  ED 378 - Teacher as Leader
   •  ED 379 - Assessment and Management
   •  ED 393 - Directed Teaching Placement Seminar I
   •  ED 394 - Directed Teaching Placement Seminar II
   •  ED 505 - Advanced Social, Political, and Economic Foundations of Education
   •  ED 509 - Learning Theories and the Social, Political, and Economic Factors that have Influenced Education
   •  ED 530 - Advanced Language and Literacy in a Diverse Classroom
   •  ED 531 - Teaching and Learning Methodologies for English Language Development
   •  ED 549 - Contemporary Methodologies in Teaching Mathematics
   •  ED 552 - The Art of Teaching Science: Inspiring Curiosity, Analytic Thinking, and Scientific Inquiry
   •  ED 555 - Advanced Utilizing and Infusing Technology into Teaching
   •  ED 556 - Utilizing Technology for Learning in the 21st Century Classroom
   •  ED 560 - Integrated Thematic Instruction: Methods of Teaching Social Science and Visual/Perf. Arts
   •  ED 573 - Healthy Children and Classroom Communities: Cultivating a Safe and Productive Learning Environment
   •  ED 578 - Advanced Teacher as Leader
   •  ED 579 - Advanced Assessment and Management
   •  ED 593 - Directed Teaching Placement I
   •  ED 594 - Directed Teaching Placement II
   •  ED 693 - Research in the Art of Teaching
   •  ED 694 - Action Research in Accomplished Teaching
   •  ED 700 - Intern Seminar I
   •  ED 701 - Intern Seminar II
   •  ED 703A - Intern Seminar
   •  ED 703B - Student Teaching Seminar
   •  SPED 542 - Behavior Assessments, Interventions, and Positive Support Methods
   •  SPED 552 - Communication and Collaboration: Developing Student, Family, and School Community Partnerships
   •  SPED 563 - Teaching Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities Creating Inclusive Learning Environments

General Education

   •  ART 100 - Introduction to Art
   •  ART 150 - Public Art
   •  BIO 100L - Introduction to Biology Lab
   •  BIO 200 - Human Biology with Lab
   •  CIV 100 - Civic Engagement
   •  COM 150 - Effective Communication
   •  CRIM 300 - Introduction to Criminology
   •  CT 300 - Ethics: A Global Civic Perspective
   •  ENG 101 - English Composition I
   •  ENG 110 - Creative Writing
   •  ENG 201 - English Composition II
   •  ENV 100 - Introduction to Environmental Science with Lab
   •  FILM 100 - Introduction to Film
   •  GEN 100 - Success at Pacific Oaks
   •  GEN 200 - Becoming a Global Citizen
   •  GEN 284A - Reflective Study: Developmental Theory
   •  GEN 284B - Reflective Study: Developmental Theory Analysis
   •  GEN 285A - Reflective Study: Diversity Theory
   •  GEN 285B - Reflective Study: Diversity Analysis
   •  GEN 286A - Reflective Study: Fieldwork
   •  GEN 286B - Implementation
   •  GEN 287A - Reflective Study: Research
   •  GEN 287B - Reflective Study: Leadership
   •  GEN 289 - Writing and Communications for Empowerment
   •  GEN 299 - Portfolio Development and Assessment
   •  GEO 200 - Cultural Geography
   •  HIS 100 - U.S. History
   •  HIST 200 - History of Social Justice
   •  LIT 150 - Urban Literature
   •  LIT 300 - Introduction to Literature
   •  MATH 160 - Quantitative Reasoning
   •  MUS 100 - Global Music and Culture
   •  NUTR 100 - Human Nutrition
   •  PHIL 150 - Critical Thinking
   •  POL 100 - American Government and Political Issues
   •  PSY 101 - Introduction to Psychology
   •  PSY 103 - Developmental Psychology
   •  PSY 105 - Abnormal Psychology
   •  PSY 201 - Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience
   •  RESM 235 - Research Methods for the Social Sciences
   •  SOC 100 - Introduction to Sociology
   •  STATS 225 - Integrated Statistics

Human Development

   •  HD 300 - Early Childhood Themes and Life Cycle Issues
   •  HD 303 - The Earliest Years
   •  HD 305 - Cognitive Development: How Children Learn
   •  HD 311 - Play Across the Lifespan
   •  HD 320 - Contemporary Urban Adolescents
   •  HD 335 - Human Development: The Elder Years
   •  HD 341 - Communication for Empowerment

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