Learning Theories and the Social, Political, and Economic Factors that have Influenced Education   [Archived Catalog]
2020-2021 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook

ED 509 - Learning Theories and the Social, Political, and Economic Factors that have Influenced Education

3 Credit(s)
This course is designed to provide all teacher candidates with an understanding of various learning theories and the intersection of social, political, and economic factors which have influenced education in the United States. Candidates will explore their own epistemology and the various cultural, economic, political, and social influences that have shaped their view of the teaching and learning process. Emphasis will be placed on the history of ethical and legal decisions which have impacted current educational systems, assessments, and curricular decisions that impact learning environments. Candidates will learn about constructivism as it relates to the distinct Pacific Oaks mission and core values and how to integrate these values into teaching students at various developmental levels. In addition, this course will provide candidates with an overview of the teacher certification process in California, federal and state laws that govern education, and current reform trends.