Intern Seminar II   [Archived Catalog]
2020-2021 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook

ED 701 - Intern Seminar II

3 Credit(s)

The Intern Seminar course provides Education Specialist and Multiple Subject candidates with the opportunity to instruct students in a self-contained classroom. Emphasis on instructing ELL and students with special needs in a general education classroom will be stressed.

Through the experience, candidates come to understand how to deliver a comprehensive program of systematic instruction with accommodations and modifications in the academic subjects of the assignment based on student needs. Candidates are expected to use progress monitoring based on each student's needs, giving key points during instruction to determine whether students are progressing adequately toward achieving the state academic content standards. Intern candidates will pace instruction and re-teach content, based upon evidence gathered using formal and informal assessment. The Intern may serve in team teaching settings using core academic curriculum at grade levels and in the service delivery model of the legal assignment.

Topics which may vary according to Intern candidate needs and interests will include the following:

  • Teacher Responsibilities (i.e., Back to School Night, Family Conferences)
  • Parent/ Teacher Partnership
  • Planning for the First Days of School
  • Cooperative Learning
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Case Management
  • Supporting English Language Learners and students with special needs
  • Differentiated Instruction
  • Classroom Management
  • Lesson and Unit Planning
  • Formal and Informal Assessment
Prerequisite(s): ED 700 Intern Seminar I