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2017-2018 Academic Catalog with Spring Addendum 
  Mar 02, 2025
2017-2018 Academic Catalog with Spring Addendum [Archived Catalog]

Preliminary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential

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Pasadena, Online

Program Overview

The postgraduate Preliminary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential (California) program provides students with a fundamental knowledge base for educating and developing learning environments for children from kindergarten to eigth grade in self-contained classrooms. The curriculum is based on a constructivist framework that is responsive to multiple sources of diversity in the education of children. As actively engaged participants, candidates in this program learn about essential principles and theories of pedagogy and child development and engage in supervised learning experiences to integrate and apply their knowledge. Learning experiences throughout the curriculum are characterized by inquiry, self- reflection, collaboration with others, and problem- solving. Acknowledging multiple influences on child development and learning, the program emphasizes the importance of developing respectful and reciprocal relationships to create supportive and challenging learning environments. All Pasadena courses have an online component; either blended with face to face instruction on campus, or fully online.

Coursework focuses on strategies of inclusion, issues of equity, social justice, and cultural competence. In addition, the principles of development theory and the standards of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing are incorporated into the program.

College Internships

College Internship credential programs provide opportunities for Graduate/Post-Baccalaureate candidates to assume the responsibilities of full-time “teachers of record” while completing the credential coursework required for a preliminary credential.  Interns are salaried credentialed employees of a school or agency, working on a two year Internship Credential valid only at the site of hire. College Internship credential candidates meet the requirements of No Child Left Behind (NCLB).

Pacific Oaks candidates who are interested in becoming a college intern must meet the internship eligibility requirements to be enrolled in the program. Please see the detailed College Internship requirements under each specific credential program in the catalog.

The College Internship route provides an opportunity for candidates who have been offered employment to complete their clinical practice while employed in an appropriate position as a Multiple Subject or Education Specialist teacher of record. This experience is a partnership between the candidate, Pacific Oaks College, and the employer meant to support the candidate in an environment similar to that authorized by the Preliminary credential obtained at the end of the program.

Graduate-level candidates who are interested in becoming a university intern must complete and show verification of all prerequisite requirements and go through the internship eligibility process to determine suitability for the internship program. Once intern eligible, candidates must be recommended for an Internship Credential. This is valid for two years and issued specifically for the site of hire.

Prerequisites for College Internship

• Valid Certificate of Clearance or other valid CTC-issued permit or credential document
• Bachelor’s Degree posted on official transcript on file
• Verification of passage of the Basic Skills Assessment (CBEST)
• Verification of completion of Subject Matter Competency (CSET)
• Verification of Completion of U.S. Constitution requirement met by exam, transcript verifying completed U.S. Constitution coursework or CSU Bachelor’s degree
• Verification of Negative TB test (valid within the last four years)
• Verification of 120 hours of pre-service work, met by prerequisite coursework
• Verification of Contract Agreement (MOU) on file between the employing District, School or Agency and Pacific Oaks College
• 3.0 GPA (grades of “D” and “X” are not accepted)

Intern Credential Eligibility Requirements

In addition to providing verification of all internship prerequisites, candidates are required to provide official school district or agency offer of employment for the intern as a full time teacher of record in a setting appropriate for the credential being sought.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Examine and demonstrate research-based practices through the use of technology, instructional strategies, and standards-aligned curriculum to construct comprehensible subject-matter content for the teaching and learning of our diverse student populations.
  2. Identify, formulate, and apply formative and summative assessments to monitor and assess the learning of students through direct and indirect evidence.
  3. Examine and integrate a culturally responsive pedagogy through best practices for the connecting, engaging and supporting of students’ cognitive, emotional, social, and physical aspect for the sustainment of educational equity with our diverse student populations.
  4. Design curricula and plan instruction through the immersion of a culture-centered learning framework utilizing the students’ background knowledge to teach, adapt, and support the teaching and learning of all student learners.
  5. Demonstrate the use of effective strategies to create and maintaining effective environments to connect meaningful subject-matter and promote students’ life experiences for teaching and learning of diverse student populations.
  6. Reflect and articulate through effective communication, collaboration, and engagement with parents/caregivers, teachers, administrators, and community members for the continued development as a professional educator.
  7. Conduct and design a pedagogical research project through a theoretical framework in the investigation and implementation of educational theories with diverse student populations.
  8. Collect, analyze and examine research data to interpret the current research-based practices with diverse populations within our educational and societal structure.
  9. Synthesize and summarize research findings to critically and concisely explain a supportively cohesive relationship between theory and practice within a research project.
  10. Demonstrate current research-based practices and articulate pedagogical and foundational theories in education.

Program-Specific Admission Requirements

Application Requirements:

  • Completed Application for Admission
  • Application Fee
  • Resume
  • Personal Statement
  • Official Transcripts from the Bachelor’s Degree Granting Institution
  • Official CBEST (California Basic Educational Skills Test)*
  • Letter of Recommendation required for students whose cumulative GPA is below 2.5

* Passing the CBEST exam is an admissions expectation.  However, applicants in this program will be granted admission for 1 semester or 2 sessions if they have scheduled their CBEST exam at the time of application.  Students admitted to the program prior to passing the CBEST must pass the CBEST exam within the first semester or 2 sessions in order to be allowed to progress in the program.  Students who fail to pass the CBEST within this timeframe will be given the opportunity to change to the MA Human Development program, but must meet all admission requirements for that program.  Students who do not wish to change programs will be withdrawn until they have successfully passed the CBEST.  Students must request results of the exam be sent to Pacific Oaks College.  The CBEST exam can be taken multiple times by the student, within a 45-day waiting period after each exam.

Admission Standards

  • Demonstrated commitment to the mission and values of Pacific Oaks College
  • Successful completion of a bachelor’s degree or higher except in professional education from a regionally accredited institution

Graduation Requirements

Students are required to submit the Petition for Degree Completion and fee to the Office of the Registrar the semester before they anticipate completing their degree requirements. Students must submit the application, settle all outstanding fees with the Student Finance Office, satisfy any deficiencies, and be in good standing in their program for the Master’s degree to be awarded.

Note: A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 is required for graduation.

Fieldwork Requirements

Fieldwork consists of observation, practicum, and student teaching. Students may be able to complete a portion of their fieldwork at their current place of employment, upon approval from the Credential Analyst. Prior to beginning fieldwork a background check and TB test is required. Candidates must attend a Placement orientation with the Credential Analyst the semester prior to enrolling in Student Teaching to review the requirements, ensure all coursework prerequisite completion and secure location - please note that the Credential Analyst secures all fieldwork locations for credential candidates. Student Teaching is offered in the Fall and Spring semesters only. Placement is secured solely through the Credential Analyst. All students, district employed supervisors, field work supervisors and support staff are required to attend the Fall and Spring Student Teaching Orientation.

Student Teaching Requirements

Prior to Student Teaching, credential candidates must complete the following by March 1st for Fall semester placement or by October 1st for Spring semester placement:

  • CBEST (must be successfully passed within first semester)
  • Coursework must be completed prior to the start of the Student Teaching semester
  • TPA 1 and 2
  • CSET
  • Certificate of Clearance/CTC Permit
  • TB clearance
  • CPR certification (Current-Adult, infant, child)
  • U.S. Constitution
  • Signature Assignments and applicable evaluations completed in Taskstream
  • Student Teaching Interview

The above requirements will be verified by the Credential Analyst prior to approving a candidate’s Student Teaching placement location for Fall or Spring semesters. Once a candidate’s placement is secured, the candidate will be required to attend a Student Teaching Orientation before the semester begins.

Number of Admit Terms per Year:

Ground (1)

  • Fall Session I

Online (3)

  • Fall Session I
  • Spring Session I
  • Summer Session I

Program Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree or higher except in professional education field from a regionally accredited institution
  • Have passed the CBEST test
  • See the Credential Information section of the catalog for more information

All 37 units of Pacific Oaks course work must be taken to fulfill the requirements for the Preliminary Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. Credential coursework taken at other accredited institutions may be considered for transfer however no more than 6 units.

Candidates in this program will complete a Portfolio and submit their Teacher Performance Assessments (TPAs) in TaskStream. The portfolio is comprised of signature assignments completed and by the candidate and graded by their instructor throughout their credential program coursework.

Credentialing Information

General Information for All Credential Programs

Candidates seeking Admission to a credential program (at either undergraduate or graduate level) at Pacific Oaks College should also refer to the catalog information for undergraduate or graduate Admission procedures. Information that is Specific to a credential program is explained below.

Credential Program Admissions Process

In addition to the Admission requirements listed in the Admissions sections of this catalog, applicants to all of Pacific Oaks’ Credential programs must comply with the following Admissions procedures by the end of the first semester of enrollment in order to be fully admitted to the program and be able to register for subsequent classes:

  • Candidates must obtain and submit verification of a Certificate of Clearance, or hold a valid CTC-issued permit or Credential. The Certificate of Clearance is a document that verifies the candidate has completed the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing fingerprint, character, and identification process. [Candidates are required to obtain a Certificate of Clearance prior to scheduling any coursework with a field experience component and/or prior to clinical practice (Practicum and Student Teaching).]
  • Candidates are also required to submit a negative TB test (valid within four years) prior to scheduling any coursework with a field experience component and/or prior to clinical practice (Practicum and Student Teaching).
  • Candidates who have coursework from other colleges/universities that may meet coursework requirements at Pacific Oaks should contact their faculty advisor for transcript review and approval by the Dean of the College.
  • Candidates with international degrees who do not hold a U.S.-approved bachelor’s degree or higher except in professional education must receive an evaluation from a CTC-approved international evaluation agency before being admitted to the University and starting the first course.

The Student Agreement

To ensure that graduates of Pacific Oaks’ teaching Credential programs are able to meet the legal requirements of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), all applicants for Admission to Credential programs must enter into a student agreement.

The student agreement gives Pacific Oaks the right to suspend or terminate the candidate’s participation in the Credential program upon showing that the candidate has:

  • Committed acts or engaged in conduct that could constitute Grounds for denial of a Credential;
  • Failed to demonstrate the requisite skills and qualifications to satisfy the requirements for a Credential;


  • Demonstrated other qualities or behaviors enumerated in the student agreement inconsistent with Pacific Oaks’ recommendation of the candidate for an Education Credential. The student agreement also authorizes Pacific Oaks to release to the Commission all pertinent information pertaining to the candidate’s qualification or fitness for a Credential.

Student Assistance, Notice of Need to Improve, And Dismissal from School of Education Programs

Pacific Oaks is committed to maintaining quality Standards throughout its Credential programs and to graduating competent professional educators. As required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), Pacific Oaks identifies and assists candidates who need special assistance and retains in its programs only those candidates who are suited for entry to or advancement in the Education profession. The CTC is charged by the state with evaluating the moral character and fitness of all persons who wish to teach or perform certified services in California public schools. Every person who is an applicant for, or who now holds any Credential, certificate, permit, or license authorizing service in California public schools is answerable to the CTC and the Committee on Credentials for his or her fitness-related conduct. California’s Laws and Rules Pertaining to the Discipline of Professional Certificated Personnel (2002), available on the CTC website at, address legal, ethical, and behavioral Standards to which all such persons must adhere.

If a candidate is identified as being deficient or needing assistance to meet program standards at any point during his or her program, the candidate’s instructor of record during coursework or fieldwork supervisor during a fieldwork assignment will issue the candidate a Need for Improvement Plan. The plan will indicate one of three possible actions that the instructor/supervisor intends to recommend to the lead faculty in the program:

  1. The candidate is identified as needing improvement in designated areas. A plan of improvement, with an expected date of completion, is attached to the form. The candidate will be permitted to continue taking classes or continue in his/her fieldwork assignment while completing the plan.
  2. The candidate is identified as needing improvement in designated areas. A plan of improvement, with an expected date of completion, is attached to the form.
  3. The candidate receives a failing grade in the class or an unsatisfactory grade in the fieldwork assignment. The candidate will not be permitted to continue taking classes or continue in his/her fieldwork assignment until the plan is completed and the class or fieldwork assignment is re-taken, at the candidate’s expense.
  4. The candidate is identified as being unsuited for the Education profession and is recommended for dismissal from the program.
  5. Upon receiving a Candidate Assistance Plan, the candidate will meet with his/her instructor of record, fieldwork supervisor, and/or other faculty or administration. This Candidate Assistance Team will discuss any recommended plan of improvement with the candidate and will later meet with the candidate to evaluate the candidate’s performance of the expectations listed on the plan.

If the candidate is allowed to continue in the program and receives a second unsatisfactory grade in a practicum or student teaching assignment, the candidate will be recommended for dismissal from the program. The process for a hearing and appeal, upon recommendation for dismissal from a program, is outlined in the Policies and Procedures section of this catalog.

Program Advising

Every student has an assigned faculty advisor who is available to provide program specific advisement related to a specific program field. These advisors are a resource for specific questions candidates may have about classes and curriculum.

Every student has access to the Credential Analyst to help navigate the specifics of the state Credentialing requirements. These requirements can vary and are in constant flux due to changing legislation and the dynamic nature of public Education. It is very important for candidates to work closely with the Credential Analyst to understand and educate themselves on the specifics of their particular Credentialing requirements.

Placement Files (For Practicum and Student Teaching)

When requested, the School of Education provides a placement file service for credential candidates. A placement file contains the following candidate-supplied documents: a resume, two student teacher evaluations, and three letters of recommendation. Placement files are prepared and sent to school districts upon written authorization from the candidate. Candidates must attend a Student Teaching orientation with the Credential Analyst the semester prior to enrolling in Student Teaching to review the requirements, ensure prerequisite completion and secure location - please note that the Credential Analyst secures all fieldwork locations for credential candidates.

Credential Portfolio

Candidates in Credential programs will complete an electronic portfolio on Taskstream. The portfolio is comprised of signature assignments and other assignments completed by the candidate throughout their Credential program coursework. Satisfactory evaluation of the portfolio is required in order for the candidate to be recommended for a Credential.

Fieldwork Information (Practicum and Student Teaching)

Detailed requirements for fieldwork practice (Practica and Student Teaching) are listed in the specific program areas of the catalog and in other handbooks and/or orientation courses.

Student Teaching Placements (Student Teaching)

Candidates are placed in their Student Teaching assignment by the Credential Analyst only. Candidates should not contact districts directly to obtain student teaching placement. Candidates must attend a Placement orientation with the Credential Analyst the semester prior to enrolling in Student Teaching to review the requirements, ensure non-coursework prerequisite completion and secure location - please note that the Credential Analyst secures all fieldwork locations for credential candidates.

Recommendation for a Preliminary California Credential

To be formally recommended for a California Teaching Credential by Pacific Oaks, all candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Degree Posted: Undergraduate: Completed all requirements for the blended bachelor’s degree (completion must be verified by the Registrar’s office and degree must be conferred and posted on the transcript). Graduate: Proof of a conferred bachelor’s degree or higher except in professional education from a regionally accredited Institution of Higher Education (IHE) or an international degree of U.S. equivalence as evaluated by a CTC-approved service.
  • Successful completion of the Pacific Oaks’ Admissions process.
  • CPR Certificate of Completion
  • Successful completion of US Constitution exam.
  • Successful completion of the program coursework within five years.
  • Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended on file at Pacific Oaks.
  • Undergraduate candidates must also have a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative GPA overall for their bachelor’s degree.
  • Written evaluations of performance in field experiences, student teaching, and other practica must be on file.
  • Successful completion of the coursework with a minimum grade point average of 3.0. (Grades of “D”, “X” are not accepted).
  • Fulfillment of all financial obligations to the College before applying for the Credential; zero account balance.
  • Passing evaluation of candidate’s Credential portfolio (information about this will be given in introductory courses).
  • Having passed the following: CBEST, CSET,TPA’s 1, 2, 3, 4 and RICA
  • A completed CTC Credential application with valid credit card to pay for CTC online application fee.

All candidates who complete their teacher preparation in California must be formally recommended for the Credential by the college or university in which the program was completed. California has a two-tier Credential structure. A five-year Preliminary Credential is the first Credential issued, and then candidates must obtain a clear Credential.

Please see additional requirements (below) to be recommended for a California Credential.

For All Credential Candidates

Teaching Performance Assessments (TPAs)

All candidates beginning their teacher preparation program on or after July 1, 2008 will be required to pass the Teaching Performance Assessments (TPAs) mandated by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. The TPAs are comprised of four Tasks to be completed by candidates. Each completed task is sent to a trained assessor to be scored and candidates must pass all four tasks in order to be recommended for a Credential. Specific information on the Teaching Performance Assessments will be introduced in the introductory courses and throughout the coursework.

Candidates will not complete the TPA Tasks as assignments within their coursework; however, the knowledge to successfully complete each TPA Task is embedded in the curriculum. Each TPA task is correlated with a Specific course in the Credential program. Teacher candidates should complete the TPA task during or immediately following the course. (TPA 1 and 2 should be completed before student teaching).

Fieldwork Practice Requirements

Candidates are responsible for ensuring that their clinical practice experiences (Practica and Student Teaching) meet the following requirements:

  • Placement in at least two of the following grade- level spans: K-2, 3-5, 6-8
  • At least one placement with English Language learners
  • At least three placements in public schools
  • At least one placement in an “underperforming school”
  • Candidates are encouraged to have a least one placement in an inclusive setting.

Dual Credential candidates must complete one half of their Student Teaching placement in a traditional classroom setting and the other in a special education setting (inclusion, resource center, special day class etc.)

Before undertaking any fieldwork practice candidates are required to submit verification of the following:

  • Valid Certificate of Clearance or other valid document showing fingerprint clearance issued by the CTC
  • Negative TB test (valid within the last four years)

In addition to meeting the general and program specific Admission requirements, candidates must also submit verification of the following before they are cleared for Student Teaching:

  • Application for Student Teaching (for fall placements, application is due by April 1st; for spring placements, application is due by October 1st).
  • Valid Certificate of Clearance or other valid document showing fingerprint clearance issued by the CTC
  • Pass the Basic Skills Assessment (passing CBEST or appropriate CSET exam)
  • Completion of Subject Matter Competency (passing CSET exam)
  • Successful Passage of TPA Task 1 and TPA Task 2
  • Negative TB test (valid within the last four years)
  • 3.0 GPA in program courses (grades of “D” and “X” are not accepted), with no Incomplete grades on the transcript
  • Attend Screening Interview with a School of Education Credential Analyst
  • Attend Placement and Student Teaching orientations

Candidates will be placed for Student Teaching:

  • By the Credential Analyst in their Student Teaching placement under the supervision of a fieldwork Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher(s).
  • In a supervised, full-time student teaching assignment within the appropriate Credential area for a minimum of 16 weeks.
  • In approved public or charter schools that implement state-adopted core curriculum content Standards within the state of California. Court schools or community alternative schools may be acceptable placements. Non-public schools may be acceptable placements provided they are fully WASC accredited and implement state adopted core curriculum content Standards, and provided the candidate has completed all other clinical practice (Practica) in public schools.

Credential Completion Requirements

In addition to the above requirements listed for Admission and clinical practice, the following must be completed and documentation turned in to be recommended for a California Credential:

  • Completion of U.S. Constitution requirement met by exam, transcript verifying completed
  • Successful completion of all four TPA Tasks, if applicable
  • Proof of passing the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA). Scores must be valid at the time of recommendation
  • CPR certification for Infant, Child, and Adult (must be valid when candidate applies for teaching Credential)
  • Successful completion of the Credential Portfolio
  • 3.0 GPA (grades of “D” or “X” not accepted)
  • Zero Account Balance

Please contact the Credential Analyst for specific information regarding any of the requirements for the Credential programs.

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