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2021-2022 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook 
  Mar 02, 2025
2021-2022 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook [Archived Catalog]

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy

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Pasadena, San Jose, and off-campus locations

*The availability of off-campus locations depends on enrollment.

Total Credit Hours Required

60-68 credits

Maximum Allowable Transfer Credits

A maximum of 18 credits of graduate-level transfer credit units can be accepted from a regionally accredited MFT program approved by the Board of Behavioral Sciences. Coursework from non-MFT programs may be considered, under unique circumstances, with the approval of the Dean. In all cases, official transcripts, course syllabi and a copy of the course catalog from the former program should be submitted to the admissions office at the time of application to be considered for transfer credits. Upon application to the MFT programs, the request for transfer credit review must be initiated, reviewed and determined prior to enrollment in first semester courses.

Program Admission Requirements

Admissions Requirements can be found here: Admissions Policies

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fees for the College and Individual programs can be found here: Financial Aid and Student Accounts Policies

Program Disclosures for Licensure

Licensure Disclosure: For information on where Pacific Oaks College’s meets, does not meet, or has not determined if the program meets licensure eligibility requirements for the state in which you wish to be licensed, please visit:

The M.A. in MFT programs satisfies all the requirements of SB 33 and the Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) (Business and Professions Code Sections 4980.36c, d e 4980.39, 4980.40, and 4980.41).


All the MFT programs prepare graduates to sit for the California MFT exams to earn a Marriage and Family Therapist License awarded by the California Board of Behavioral Science. Pacific Oaks MFT program coursework meets each of the following BBS requirements:

  • Integrates Marriage and Family Therapy principles throughout the curriculum.
  • Integrates the principles of mental health recovery- oriented care and methods of service delivery in recovery-oriented practice environments, among others, throughout the curriculum.
  • Integrates an understanding of various cultures, the social and psychological implications of socioeconomic position, and an understanding of how poverty and social stress impact an individual’s mental health and recovery.
  • Encourages students to develop the personal qualities that are intimately related to effective practice including integrity, sensitivity, flexibility, insight, compassion, and personal presence.
  • Provides students with the opportunity to meet with various consumer and family members of consumers of mental health services to enhance understanding of their experience of mental illness, treatment, and recovery.
  • Meets the BBS curriculum requirements.

Program Overview and Philosophy

The MFT programs offer a deeply relational approach to teaching and learning. Just as research has demonstrated that the quality of the therapeutic relationship is the single critical factor in producing positive healing outcomes, Pacific Oaks believes that the quality of the academic relationships among students and instructors is the cornerstone of a transformative academic learning experience.

The MFT programs’ emphasis on intrapersonal, family and institutional issues provides a holistic approach to understanding the theory and practice of marriage, family and child therapy. The program at Pacific Oaks respects the unique learning styles of the individual and practices a relational model of learning that is dynamic, engaging, respectful and transformational. Faculty and students are partners in the learning community. Students are mentored towards critically examining their own attitudes, beliefs and values to become clinically skilled and culturally attuned therapists.

There are several options for the M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT). In addition to the traditional MFT program, four specializations are available and include: LatinX Family Studies Specialization, African- American Family Studies Specialization, and Trauma Studies Specialization, and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Specialization. Pacific Oaks’ M.A. in MFT programs provide students with a robust blend of theory and hands-on practice. The college maintains relationships with clinics and community agencies throughout the greater Los Angeles and San Jose areas to provide students with extensive opportunities for supervised clinical training. Graduates are prepared to consider issues of social justice, trauma within family and community systems and to explore how those factors directly impact family dynamics and the mental health of each family member.

The Marriage and Family Therapy (Traditional) Program is a unique Educational Master’s program for developing clinically skilled, culturally attuned marital and family therapists. The MFT Traditional program offers a multidisciplinary, inclusive curriculum based on developmental and family systems theories and evidence-based theory and practice. Integrated throughout its curriculum is a commitment to understanding the lived experience of clients and practitioner, the power of culture, oppression, and society on the developmental process, and the impact of one’s social political context on the developing mind and behavior.

Program Learning Outcomes

The Program Learning Outcomes for the MFT program at Pacific Oaks are based upon the mandated competency requirements for the licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of California. These 12 competencies are evaluated at a rudimentary level at the Admissions interview, after 16 hours of credit for course work in the First Year Review process, and comprehensively in the clinical training evaluation process through the three-semester practicum placement which serves as the capstone for the program.

  • (PLO 1) Clinical Evaluation Skills to be able to identify clients’ presenting problems; units of treatment; clients’ history with relevant clinical issues; intrapersonal and interpersonal dynamics to identify patterns of behavior; assess possible substance abuse; assess clients’ capacity to benefit from the therapeutic process; assess client’s strengths and coping skills; and use DSM criteria to determine diagnoses.
  • (PLO 2) Crisis Management Skills to be able to identify the nature of a crisis and action needed; observe and assess for indications of abuse, danger to self or others; manage mandated reporting requirements appropriately; develop and implement a safety plan with a client who is dangerous to self; evaluate a client’s potential for self‐destructive behavior; manage a client who is in imminent danger to reduce risk of harm to self; assess client’s potential for danger to others; develop and implement a safety plan for a client who is a danger to others.
  • (PLO 3) Treatment Plan Development and Theoretical Models to be able to articulate an understanding of a variety of theoretical models; identify stages of treatment and appropriate goals for each stage; formulate short term and long term treatment goals; recognize the need for referral for adjunctive services and identify appropriate referrals; demonstrate an awareness of the principles of systems theory.
  • (PLO 4) Clinical Rapport Building demonstrated by good listening, empathy, and communication skills; demonstrate skills for coping with anxiety‐producing situations by providing a safe environment by understanding the problem from the client’s perspective; is in control of one’s own emotions and assesses for trust in the therapeutic relationship; and is aware of and uses the impact of themselves on clients in treatment.
  • (PLO 5) Clinical Treatment Intervention Skills demonstrated by the ability to utilize theoretically appropriate and client‐specific clinical interventions; evaluate the treatment process by recognizing behavioral, emotional, and cognitive changes; modify the treatment process by monitoring therapeutic progress; evaluate client’s coping skills to determine the timing of interventions and the introduction of emotionally laden issues; provide empathic feedback as client gains insight into their own behavior; identify patterns of resistance in therapy; develop a plan for termination with client to provide a transition from treatment.
  • (PLO 6) Human Diversity Competency to be able to identify the issues of diversity which impact the therapeutic environment; recognize the impact of one’s own gender, culture, ethnicity, age, and beliefs on the therapeutic process; provide an unbiased therapeutic environment when the client’s values or beliefs are different from our own; apply treatment strategies consistent with the client’s values and beliefs; identify emotional stress associated with discrimination.
  • (PLO 7) Law Competency to be able to demonstrate knowledge of legal issues relevant to the therapeutic setting; adhere to legal statues related to the therapeutic setting; recognize and appropriately manage mandated reporting requirements; obtain client’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information; maintain the security of client therapy records;
  • (PLO 8) Ethics Competency to be able to demonstrate knowledge of ethical issues arising in the therapeutic setting; inform clients of the parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting; maintain appropriate therapeutic boundaries; recognize the impact of counter transference issues; identify personal reactions that could interfere with the therapeutic process; identify personal limitations that require outside consultation.
  • (PLO 9) Personal Maturity and Interpersonal Skills demonstrated personal integrity, initiative and motivation; personal attitude, capacity for self‐reflection and self‐awareness; oral communication skills; written communication skills.
  • (PLO 10) Professional Documentation competency demonstrated by consistent maintenance of time and orderly paperwork, and adherence to college and agency policies.
  • (PLO 11) Professional Behavior demonstrated by punctuality; responsible performance of assigned duties as determined by instructor or clinical supervisor; appearance appropriate to the educational and therapeutic setting; professional demeanor in relationships with professional colleagues, including communication skills and conflict management skills; and adherence to college/agency policies.
  • (PLO 12) Use of Supervision/Teachers/Mentors as evidenced by seeking supervision and feedback when needed; comes prepared for consultation/supervision meetings; openly shares concerns and ideas with supervisor/teacher; demonstrates openness to feedback; uses supervisory/educational suggestions to make improvements.


The MFT programs include the following competencies:

The MFT programs of training are keyed to the six professional areas of assessment for licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of California as defined by the California State Board of Behavioral Science. The twelve MFT PLOs are an expanded version of the BBS six areas of assessment of candidates for licensure.

  • I. Clinical Evaluation Description: This area assesses the candidate’s ability to identify presenting problems and collect information to assess clinical issues and formulate a diagnostic impression within the client’s interpersonal and cultural context.
  • II. Crisis Management Description: This area assesses the candidate’s ability to identify, evaluate, and clinically manage crisis situations.
  • III. Treatment Planning Description: This area assesses the candidate’s ability to develop a complete treatment plan and prioritize treatment goals based on assessment, diagnosis, and a theoretical model.
  • IV. Treatment Description: This area assesses the candidate’s ability implement, evaluate, and modify clinical interventions consistent with treatment plan and theoretical model.
  • V. Ethics Description: This area assesses the candidate’s ability to apply and manage ethical standards and principles in clinical practice to advance the welfare of the client.
  • VI. Law Description: This area assesses the candidate’s ability to apply and manage legal standards and mandates in clinical practice.

(California Board of Behavioral Science)


Institutional Learning Outcomes

The College designates 3 Institutional Learning Outcomes to reflect the Meaning of Degree for all programs in the college. The Program Learning Outcomes of all the MFT Programs in CFP were aligned accordingly.

1.  A Pacific Oaks graduate is able to engage authentically and effectively with widely diverse populations in a global environment.

2.  A Pacific Oaks graduate combines professional knowledge with a respect for the unique values and experiences of the individuals and communities with whom they work to solve problems.    

3. A Pacific Oaks graduate improves the profession through actions that advocate for social equity and serve the changing needs of diverse communities


Program Specific Requirements

The MFT traditional program is a 60-credit graduate degree program. On ground attendance includes a 16-week fall and spring semester and a 12-week summer semester. A full-time time student entering with 0 credits and successfully completing 9 credits per semester would complete the program in 8 semesters. The addition of the LPCC specialization and/or any other MFT specialization could add an addition 1-2 semesters to completion of the degree.

Course Prerequisites

The MFT programs are designed to offer the student a developmental approach to their learning. The course layouts are designed to integrate and build knowledge from preexisting coursework. Prerequisites for the program ensure the quality of your program/learning development and readiness for the practicum and advanced courses. Students are expected to meet the prerequisite requirements for their classes upon enrollment.


Practicum Specific Requirements

First Year Review

The M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy is a clinical degree. In addition to academic performance, students are expected to demonstrate clinical readiness competencies in the following areas for consideration for readiness for advanced coursework and clinical training:

  • Maturity
  • Insightfulness
  • Capacity for establishing appropriate boundaries
  • Reflection
  • Professionalism
  • Empathy and Compassion
  • Interpersonal and relational skills

After completing 15 credits and in good academic standing, each student will obtain First Year Review evaluations for the First Year Review from two MFT professors of their completed courses.

Also, the MFT student will complete a self-evaluation on the above clinical readiness competencies. After the evaluations have been submitted, the student will meet with her/his Faculty Advisor to review her/his overall performance to date. The performance review includes both academic progress, professional behavior, clinical readiness, culture & diversity, along with the completion of the 20 hours of required personal therapy. After successful completion of this process, the student will be eligible to begin the process of clinical training preparation.

Academic Progress

  • The student has demonstrated graduate-level mastery in his/her course work with a 3.0 minimum GPA.
  • The student has been consistent in engaging in the classroom discourse and collaborating as a team member.
  • The student has come prepared for the class.
  • The student demonstrates an understanding of MFT theories, and Evidence Based practices, and their application.
  • The student has completed all his/her assignments as required for the course, as outlined in the syllabus.
  • The student has contributed to the learning environment of the class.

Professional Behavior

  • The student has consistently demonstrated his/her capacity to behave responsibly and professionally in his/her student role, and in relation to his/her learning community.
  • The student has demonstrated sound professional judgment.
  • The student has demonstrated the capacity for being on time and meeting deadlines.
  • The student is respectful of the learning community and the ground rules.
  • The student has demonstrated the capacity as a team member in the learning community.
  • The student is one who honors his/her word.
  • The student is one who is capable of responsible and respectable communication and openness to feedback.
  • The student is ethical and accountable for their actions and their behavior in the classroom and in relation to their academic colleagues.
  • The student is insightful, reflective, and compassionate.

Clinical Readiness

  • The student has demonstrated a capacity for reflection and insight.
  • The student has demonstrated an ability to empathize.
  • The student has a solid grasp of his/her own process.
  • The student has been capable of setting boundaries.
  • The student has the ability to monitor his/her own behavior (self-monitoring).
  • The student has demonstrated the capacity for intentional listening.
  • The student has demonstrated the capacity for relational learning.

Culture and Diversity

This section addresses the student’s intent, engagement, and capacity to integrate an understanding of the culture and diversity issues addressed in the program. The student must demonstrate sufficient mastery in the following areas:

  • The student demonstrated a willingness to explore issues of diversity in relation to his/her own life experience.
  • The student actively pursues knowledge and experience that enhances his/her capacity for cultural competency.
  • The student is open to diverse ways of learning.
  • The student’s respect for cultural diversity is manifested in his/her writing, discussions, and behavior, including the following characteristics:
    1. Capacity for insight, reflection
    2. Ability to listen effectively and empathically
    3. Openness to feedback, new ideas and situations
    4. Commitment to self-growth
    5. Professional behavior in the classroom

If the student does not meet all the requirements for First Year Review after completing a minimum of 15 credits, the advisor and Dean may recommend several options for the student, including but not limited to academic and non-academic remediation or program dismissal.

First Year Review Coursework


Students must complete 15 of the required credits in the following courses prior to completing their First Year Review.

MFT Clinical Training Program

Practicum Requirement

The MFT programs are clinical programs. These programs have academic standards/requirements, clinical readiness and professional competencies, in addition to in vivo clinical training. Each student will be evaluated for his/her clinical readiness via the First Year Review process.

The School of Cultural and Family Psychology has two zero credit, Pre-Practicum courses, MFT 600 and MFT 605.  These two courses formalize already required non-academic program graduation requirements, such as Clinical Training Orientation, personal therapy hours, first year review, and acceptance at a clinical training site.

Every CFP-MFT student will be required to complete these two zero-credit courses which will serve as prerequisites for moving forward into the practicum course sequence.  The two courses are titled: MFT 600 Clinical Training Orientation and MFT 605 Pre-Practicum and Professionalism in the Field.  Both MFT 600 and MFT 605 will be 16-week format for fall and spring semesters, and 12-week format for summer semesters.  Courses will require in person meetings, to be determined, with Clinical Training Coordinator and for Clinical Orientation attendance.

The Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) Program maintains relationships with clinics, county and community-based agencies, and schools throughout the greater Los Angeles and San Jose area to provide students with extensive opportunities for supervised clinical training as an MFT Trainee. The College follows the guidelines and regulations outlined by the California State Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) to ensure students are prepared for licensure eligibility in California as a Marriage and Family Therapist. As part of the MFT program, you will gain supervised counseling experience in approved clinical settings and earn the minimum practicum requirement of 225 hours of the total 3,000 hours of experience required for the MFT license eligibility. Some of these BBS requirements are outlined below, and include but are not limited to:

The Board requires 3,000 hours of supervised professional experience and 104 weeks of supervision to qualify for MFT licensure. —Statutes and Regulations cited: B&P Code Section 4980.43; CCR Section 1833
Trainees cannot work in a private practice setting. —Statutes and Regulations cited: B&P Code Section 4980.43; CCR Section 1833 (

According to BBS, a Trainee can only begin counting hours of experience if both the following requirements are met: (1) the student must have completed a minimum of 12 semester or 18 quarter credits in a qualifying MFT degree program. (2) The Trainee must have a written agreement between the school and each work site that details each party’s responsibilities, including the methods by which supervision shall be provided.

The clinical training process is developmental and has 4 major steps, (1) Completion of Personal Therapy Hours, (2) Completion of First Year Review, (3) Pre-practicum Courses, (4) Practicum Courses. Each step and its components/ requirements must be completed before moving on to the next steps of the clinical training process.

(1) Completion of Personal Therapy Hours

Prior to starting their practicum experience, all MFT students are required to complete a minimum of 20 hours of individual personal therapy with a licensed mental health professional (LMFT, LCSW, LPCC, Licensed Psychologist). Hours may begin being counted from time of enrollment at Pacific Oaks. Documentation of individual therapy hours will be submitted to the Clinical Training office.

An additional 16 hours of personal therapy are to be added to the original 20 hours for a total of 36 hours of Individual therapy required for graduation from the MFT program.

(2) First Year Review Process- Students are expected to demonstrate clinical readiness competencies (as outlined in each course’s SLOs) that cover the following areas:

  1. Maturity
  2. Insightfulness
  3. Capacity for establishing appropriate boundaries
  4. Reflection
  5. Professionalism
  6. Empathy and Compassion
  7. Interpersonal and relational skills

After completing 15 credits students will complete the First Year Review which includes a Self-evaluation and First Year Review Evaluations from two of their previous professors. These results will be reviewed in a meeting with their Faculty Advisor to receive feedback on his/her overall performance to date.  At the end of this process, the Faculty Advisor will sign a First Year Review Validation form that will be forwarded to the Clinical Training Office indicating approval to move forward in the practicum process.

(3) Pre-Practicum Courses- To assist students with moving through the clinical training preparation process, students will take two courses designed to guide students step-by-step.  Every CFP-MFT student will be required to complete these two courses which serve as prerequisites for moving forward to placement in Practicum sites.  These two courses formalize already required non-academic program graduation requirements, such as Clinical Training Orientation, personal therapy hours, first year review, etc.  The two courses are: (1) MFT 600 Clinical Training Orientation, and (2) MFT 605 Pre-practicum and Professionalism in the Field.  Both courses will follow the 16-week model and will require some in-person meetings.  These two courses are both zero credits and will be graded on a credit/no credit basis.  Students MUST receive credit in these courses to continue with the clinical training process, including starting at a practicum site which is required to register for the MFT 626 Practicum 1 course.

(4) Practicum Courses

Enrollment in each of the three practicum courses is required by the BBS while the student earns their mandatory clinical training hours. Practicum class grades are based on the student’s classroom activities/assignments and their clinical training requirements. Students must complete a minimum of 225 face-to- face clinical traineeship hours during a 10-12-month training commitment at an approved site as part of their master’s degree requirements. The traineeship experience is to be completed concurrently and while enrolled in the following classes:

  • MFT 626 - Practicum I   
  • MFT 628 - Practicum II 
  • MFT 655 - Clinical Portfolio: MFT Theory and Practicum 

The above three classes fulfill the BBS requirements of being enrolled in a practicum course while collecting hours as a trainee. If a student has not earned a total of 225 BBS clinical training hours while enrolled in these courses one of the following will apply:

(1) If the student has earned a minimum of 185 hours, they will be required to sign a contract with the Clinical Training Coordinator providing them with a MAXIMUM of 45 days to complete the remainder of their 225 clinical training hours and any other practicum requirement. A student’s practicum class requirements will not be considered satisfied and their degree will NOT be conferred until this requirement is met.

(2) If the student has completed fewer than 185 of their 225 total hours, they must enroll in MFT 685-Practicum Continuation to complete their clinical training requirement.

(3) If the student has completed 225 hours but has not completed the contract with the training site or simply wishes to continue seeing clients and accruing hours until graduation, the student must enroll in MFT 685-Practicum Continuation as per BBS regulations.

Additional Requirements for Successful Completion of Clinical Training

  1. Student must be in Satisfactory Academic Standing with the college.
  2. Successful completion of MFT 626, MFT 628 and MFT 655 courses, which also requires satisfactory progress at agency site, as documented per semester, by the agency clinical supervisor on file. Satisfactory evaluations from the clinical supervisor at the clinical placement site at the end of each semester or when course requirements are completed.
  3. Satisfactory completion of all the clinical training requirements as a Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee as outlined by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences and as mandated by the Pacific Oaks MFT program requirements in the School of Cultural and Family Psychology.
  4. Submission of copies of:
    1. MFT Responsibility Statement for Supervisors (BBS form)
    2. MFT Weekly Summary of Hours of Experience (BBS Form)
    3. MFT Experience Verification (BBS Form) C/ Responsibility Statement for Supervisors of a MFT trainee or Intern (BBS Form)
    4. MFT Trainee Practicum Evaluation Form
    5. Personal Therapy Hours Verification Form (to document remaining 16 hours)


Resources: Licensure and Professional Websites

  • California Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS):
  • California Association for Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT):
  • American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT):

Residency Requirements

The MFT degree is a minimum 60 credit program and it is expected that students will fulfill a minimum of 42 credits of all degree requirements through courses offered at Pacific Oaks College. A maximum of 18 approved graduate level transfer credits can be transferred in to complete the required 60 credits for the degree. Courses taken concurrently at another institution while enrolled in the MA MFT programs at Pacific Oaks College are not transferable for credit.

Course Length

Please refer to the program course and delivery section found here: Academic Calendars.

Graduation Requirements

Students are required to complete the allocated number of credits for their MFT program of study, 60-68 credits, complete 225 practicum hours or 280 practicum hours for the LPCC specialization and complete 36 hours of personal psychotherapy hours to meet graduation requirements. The student subsequently can submit the Petition for Degree Completion and fee to the Office of the Registrar the semester before they anticipate completion of their degree requirements. Students must submit the application, settle all outstanding fees with the Student Finance Office, satisfy any deficiencies and be in good standing in their program for the master’s degree to be awarded.

A cumulative grade point of 3.0 is required for graduation.

Number of Admit Terms per Year

Three admit terms per year

  • Fall semester
  • Spring semester
  • Summer semester


MFT Traditional Program Requirements: 60 credits

Areas of Specialization

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy - African-American Family Studies Specialization

Through the African-American Family Studies program, students explore mental health theory and practice from a deeply culture-centered perspective. Graduates gain a broad understanding of marriage and family therapy as well as specialized knowledge of the diverse mental health needs of African- American children and families. The curriculum is informed by the UJIMA model of collective work and responsibility, with the goal of developing marriage and family therapists who are highly competent in serving and advocating for the mental health needs of African-American families.

The program prepares students to use a culturally relevant approach to therapy and utilizes an historical lens in the learning style that will help individuals, couples, and families of African descent build on their strengths, improve their relationships, and generate solutions to relational problems. Students complete their clinical training hours in community agencies serving African-American families, and are supervised and mentored, when possible, by licensed African-American mental health professionals. The faculty consist of mental health specialist and academics with intimate knowledge and experience of the African-American community’s mental health needs. The program is open to all students who wish to specialize in serving the mental health needs of African-American Families and communities.


MFT African-American Family Studies Specialization Program (62 credits)

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy - Latinx Family Studies Specialization

The Latinx Family Studies (LFS) program is a unique “culture centered cohort” that utilizes the strengths of the Latinx culture to inform its process of educating Master level MFT students. The program seeks to develop culturally attuned marriage and family therapists with a deep respect for Latinx cultural values, social justice and advocacy on behalf of all children and families.

The LFS program emphasizes a cultural/ developmental/relational framework in marriage and family therapy as well as a special emphasis on the diverse mental health needs of Latinx children and families. The educational experience of the ‘Comadre-Compadre’ Cohort model is used as a model of education and is culturally transformational; it is an intensely dynamic, intellectually relevant process. Faculty and students make up a learning community that attempts to replicate “la familia,”. This educational program uniquely challenges both the personal and professional development of all its participants.

The program is open to all students who are passionate about serving the Latinx community and studying MFT theories in context with the issues that impact the Latinx population such as: immigration, acculturation, trauma, culture, history, liberation psychology, and advocacy.

The core values of the LFS Specializations assert that culture, history, family and race are integral components in understanding mental health issues and practice and are the foundation for the construction of the cohort experience


MFT Latinx Family Studies Specialization Program (62 credits)

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy - Trauma Studies Specialization

As a school dedicated to the mental health profession, Pacific Oaks College School of Cultural and Family Psychology cannot ignore the prevalence of trauma experiences. Trauma comes in many forms and can lead to an array of mental health concerns and conditions. Empirical studies agree that the prevalence of traumatic experiences continues to increase across many groups. These experiences manifest themselves in many ways from PTSD and Anxiety to Depression and Suicidality.

The Trauma Studies Specialization is 61 credits. The program integrates the MFT courses with the Trauma studies specialization courses with an emphasis on developing in- depth understanding of trauma in the mental health field. Students will engage as a learning community not only in the classroom but in their training sites to foster their professional development and clinical skills in working in the trauma field. The program forms an intimate community that engages students to address not only the clinical aspects of trauma studies, but the sociopolitical underpinnings of society that influence the incidence of violence and toxic stress and how this is addressed in our society. The Trauma Studies Specialization is an option for students who are in any of the MA in MFT programs. It is open to all students who desire a rigorous academic program that provides substantial exploration, understanding and praxis of trauma, mental health and social justice.


MFT Trauma Studies Specialization Program (61 credits)

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy - LGBTQIA+ Studies Specialization

The Marriage and Family Therapy master’s degree program with a specialization in LGBTQIA+ Studies at Pacific Oaks College equips graduates with broad preparation in marriage and family therapy as well as an emphasis on the needs of LGBTQIA+ adults, children and families. It is designed to familiarize students with the cultural, historical, sociological, and psychological processes that occur in and impact the LGBTQIA+ Community and equips the student to be able to provide affirming mental health services to the LGBTQIA+ Community.

The M.A. in MFT programs satisfies all the requirements of SB 33 and the Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) (Business and Professions Code Sections 4980.36c, d e 4980.39, 4980.40, and 4980.41).

The MFT programs prepares graduates to sit for the California MFT exams to earn a Marriage and Family Therapist License awarded by the California Board of Behavioral Science. Pacific Oaks MFT program coursework meets each of the following BBS requirements:

  • Integrates Marriage and Family Therapy principles throughout the curriculum.
  • Integrates the principles of mental health recovery- oriented care and methods of service delivery in recovery-oriented practice environments, among others, throughout the curriculum.
  • Integrates an understanding of various cultures, the social and psychological implications of socioeconomic position, and an understanding of how poverty and social stress impact an individual’s mental health and recovery.
  • Encourages students to develop the personal qualities that are intimately related to effective practice including integrity, sensitivity, flexibility, insight, compassion, and personal presence.
  • Provides students with the opportunity to meet with various consumer and family members of consumers of mental health services to enhance understanding of their experience of mental illness, treatment, and recovery.


MFT LGBTQIA+ Studies Specialization Program (61 credits)

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy - Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Specialization

Students wishing to qualify, in addition to their MFT registration, as a Professional Clinical Counselor (PCC) in the state of California, may do so via selection of the LPCC Specialization, which include the following courses, totaling 5 credits: MFT 670 Career Development Theories and Techniques   (3 credits); MFT 681 Advanced Topics in Addictions Counseling   (1 credit); and, MFT 683 Advanced Topics in Psychopharmacology   (1 credit). The courses in the Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy program fulfill all the course requirements to apply to sit for the LPCC exam, except for these five credits of coursework which must be added to the MFT courses. The LPCC Specialization also requires additional Clinical Contact Hours in Practicum placement of a minimum of 280 client contact hours. These 280 hours are inclusive of the MFT 225 hours requirement, allowing for students to count both for registration in California as associates.

MFT Dual Specializations

MFT with a Dual Specialization in African American Family Studies and Trauma Studies (68 credits)

MFT with a Dual Specialization in Latinx Family Studies and Trauma Studies (68 credits)

Practicum Courses (9 credits)

MFT with a Dual Specialization in LGBTQIA+ Studies and Trauma Studies (68 credits)

Trauma Studies Specialization Courses (10 credits)

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