LatinX Families, Historical Trauma and Recovery   [Archived Catalog]
2020-2021 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook

MFT 612 - LatinX Families, Historical Trauma and Recovery

2 Credit(s)
This course will examine the impact of trauma on the lifecycle of individuals and families in the LatinX community from a developmental framework. We will focus on trauma therapy and models of recovery as well as other types of therapeutic models, e.g. trauma focused CBT, EMDR, psychological first aid, etc. to assist in the recover from the trauma of immigration, natural disasters, interpersonal violence, war and terrorism. We will discuss spousal and child abuse and mandated reporting, emphasizing etiology, detection, cultural aspects, and treatment approaches. the class will address the occurrence of secondary trauma in the practitioner who works with a traumatized population including strategies to combat its development. This course satisfies the BBS requirements for course work on spousal abuse and child abuse detection and reporting for mandated reporters. Prerequisite(s): MFT 610  and MFT 611