Modeling Family and Community Engagement   [Archived Catalog]
2020-2021 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook

HD 642 - Modeling Family and Community Engagement

3 Credit(s)
This course is designed for administrators, teachers, staff, and parents to create effective teams that value working together with mutual respect. Student will evaluate and critique avenues, both direct classroom participation and program support activities for family engagement with preschool and elementary programs.
Students will also evaluate and create strategies for exploring experiences of power and powerlessness among people with diverse roles that include cultural and socioeconomic factors, the realities of working and single parent families, perceptions, and histories. Variation among program types are assessed and synthesized in the construction of new models of family engagement and collaboration with the school system.

This is an equivalent class for HD640 - Advanced Studies in Methods of Family/School Collaboration, with permission of advisor.